In 2021 EcoHazMat was selected as a leader in the city of Port Moody for environmental leadership. Proudly presented with the Spike Business Award at Rocky Point. Find out more about this program here
EcoHazMat awarded for Environmental Leadership

In 2021 EcoHazMat was selected as a leader in the city of Port Moody for environmental leadership. Proudly presented with the Spike Business Award at Rocky Point. Find out more about this program here
A Huffington Post article announced that small trace amounts of asbestos were found again in a Claire’s makeup product, specifically, the eye shadow component of the makeup set. The first time asbestos was reported to have been found in Claire’s makeup products was in December 2017. The FDA confirmed the…
Like Canada, the US, through OSHA, never fully banned asbestos. Click here for an article from VOX.
With the closure of the asbestos mine in the town of Asbestos in Quebec, the federal government has decided to finally completely ban the import, sale, and use of asbestos. Up until now, only certain types of asbestos, like crocidolite, were banned under the Hazardous Products Act. Read more from…